Resources FILTERED

Special Education Quickstart Guide

This guide from the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) serves to streamline the onboarding of new staff members who will work with students with...

Special Education Toolkit

The Indiana Department of Education’s (IDOE’s) Special Education Program Evaluation Toolkit is designed to support local educational agencies...

Writable: Get an AI Prompt Suggestion, Powered by OpenAI, makers of ChatGPT

Use the power of artificial intelligence to build writing prompts in Writable. Powered by OpenAI, makers of ChatGPT, simply add in keywords or...

Teaching and Learning and ChatGPT

Holly Clark dispels rumors that ChatGPT and AI will bring about an educational apocalypse. Instead of being scared, innovate to create lasting and...

No, Artificial Intelligence won't destroy high school English (Or any other subject)

Dr. John Spencer provides an overview of artificial intelligence in the high school classroom. Exploring ChatGPT as a resource for instruction, this...

How disruptive will ChatGPT be?

Dr. Catlin Tucker examines the implications of ChatGPT and AI technology in the modern classroom.Explore...Why is ChatGPT causing fear among...

Cornell Notes: An Introduction and Templates

"Cornell Notes" refers to a popular note-taking system created by Walter Pauk, an education professor at Cornell University. Cornell Notes can be...

High Ability Program Grant Guidance and Budget Planning

Guidance, Indiana Code, permissible expenditures for high ability program grant.

High Ability Program Grant Toolkit

Resources and grant activity suggestions that support the inclusive access to and development of high ability services and program elements to best...

New Year, New You: Tech Tips for 2023

Join the Digital Learning Team,  Diana Smith, Meri Carnahan, Matthew White, & Alisha Foor, for a quick and fun...

Why We Stay: A Fireside Chat with Some of Indiana's Top Teacher Talent

Top 3 TOY Finalists share how to use your teacher leadership status to positively impact the educator pipeline and market it to leaders and teachers...

Planning & Brainstorming Templates for K-12

Sometimes the initial brainstorming phase of a project is the hardest part, and providing students with a template to scaffold their planning is one...

The Social Studies Classroom with iCivics

iCivics is a free, non-partisan civic education tool filled with high-quality, engaging resources for teachers and students across the nation. From...


A powerful way to help students write effective goals for themselves is to follow the SMART Goal model. Take a moment to watch this video, from 2...

20 Simple Questions to Evaluate Your Lesson

This blog post, from Education First, provides educators with 20 questions they can use to help reflect on and evaluate their classroom lessons....

KWL Protocol

KWL is an inquiry protocol that asks students to activate their prior knowledge, formulate questions, and reflect on what they have learned. It's an...


Educators know the importance of providing positive feedback to students who are working hard, achieving goals, and showing a growth mindset, but...